Awarded "New Technology of the Year" in Sports Medicine


T:25 Technology vs. Brace: What is the difference?

T:25 Technology vs. Brace: What is the difference?

Find out what is the difference between T:25 technology and brace in this video. When you are looking for a product that allows you to regain activity, T:25 technology is a great way to restore your functional movement

  • Joanna Ata
Avoiding Total Knee Surgery by Dr. Lanny Johnson

Avoiding Total Knee Surgery by Dr. Lanny Johnson

Avoiding total knee surgery? I have for 25 years and counting. My latest discovery is a conversion of a sports sleeve to further unload my arthritic knee and video evidence of improving my gait. Read on!
  • Joanna Ata
Can you have physical therapy for your ankle?

Can you have physical therapy for your ankle?

You ask, we answer! There are thousands of ankle injuries every day. Posture Restoration Therapist, Airrosti Therapist, Trigger Point Therapist, Physical Therapist, Athletic Trainers, are some of the medical professionals that will help in the rehab of your ankles.
  • Joanna Ata
How do you cure a complete ACL tear without surgery?

How do you cure a complete ACL tear without surgery?

You ask, we answer! Research tells us that if an ACL is not reconstructed in an active individual there is a greater risk of tearing or wearing out the other ligaments, cartilage, meniscus in the same knee.
  • Joanna Ata

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