How do you cure a complete ACL tear without surgery?

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Question: How do you cure a complete ACL tear without surgery?
You can not heal a torn ACL. The ACL serves two key roles in the function of the knee. It has sensors that communicate with the muscles that stabilize the knee, to protect all tissue in the knee. The ACL and PCL are attached to the tibia/femur (in an X configuration) to stabilize the knee.
Research tells us that if an ACL is not reconstructed in an active individual there is a greater risk of tearing or wearing out the other ligaments, cartilage, meniscus in the same knee.
Another concern is the healthy knee. That leg will experience a lot more responsibility (load) for this individual's movement the rest of their life, often causing physical issues in that limb, even malalignment of the entire body.
If the ACL is not reconstructed both legs will become traumatized.
If you choose to avoid surgery our biomechanist suggests you wear T:25 Knees to reactivate/train the key muscles that have shut down immediately after the injury occurred. T:25 Knees are the "New Norm in Knee Rehab" ! research at Topical Gear Performance Wearables | Performance and Injury Prevention
- Joanna Ata